01 02 03 Bike Darlington: Which Way from Newton Aycliffe? 04 05 15 16 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 31 32 33

Which Way from Newton Aycliffe?


The Cycling Campaign this week received a query from a resident of Newton Aycliffe, asking about a "safe and pleasant" cycle route for families to use between the two towns. As this straddles two local authority areas, this is something that they would have to tackle through cooperation. But always wanting to short circuit such difficulties, we have decided to look at the problem ourselves.

Above is the section of the Darlington Cycle Route map concerned - green routes are labelled "traffic free path", brown "rough bridleway". The dotted green lines along the A167 from the motorway to the White Horse in Harrowgate Hill signify "walk your bike", an interesting concept for a cycle route map.

The Campaign will be sending out two members shortly to rekki the area. Reports to follow. Meanwhile, any on the ground experience from cyclists would be welcome on this blog.

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