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How much do you ride?

Via Cycleliciousness, who we seem to be linking to a lot recently, come the following statistics:

The Netherlands - 1019 km
Denmark - 958 km
Belgium - 327 km
Germany - 300 km
Sweden - 300 km
Finland - 282 km
Ireland - 228 km
Italy - 168 km
Austria - 154 km
Greece - 91 km
France - 87 km
UK - 81 km
Luxembourg - 48 km
Portugal - 35 km
Spain - 24 km

Those are the average distances cycled by a person in the country, in a year.

To put the figures into perspective, I cycle from Springfield to just west of the town centre, and back, five days a week during term-time, with one extra trip a week to Hurworth on most of those weeks. A usual day is about five miles in total (8km), which takes me about 15 minutes each way.

In a year, this, plus some other short local trips, gets me about 1000 miles (1600km), about 60% more than the average Netherlander. In two weeks of commuting, I match the UK average. I did double the UK average in one day this year!

For someone with a "proper" job, who would work five days a week for 47 weeks of the year, less than a mile and a half each way for a cycle commute would get you Holland's average.


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