01 02 03 Bike Darlington: Darlington Eastern Transport Corridor open 04 05 15 16 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 31 32 33

Darlington Eastern Transport Corridor open

According to the Northern Echo, the Darlington Eastern Transport Corridor is due to open tomorrow.

We will be very interested to hear from any members who use the route over the next few days. Please either leave a comment here or email on darlocycling@googlemail.com, with your opinions and experiences. Please tell us whether you used the on- or off-road options and where you were going from or to. For example, tomorrow I will be riding on the road from Haughton Road to Haughton Road, heading into town on my way to work and from off-road from Haughton Road to the ETC on my way home.

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