01 02 03 Bike Darlington: Farewell Cycling Campaign - Hello Darlovelo 04 05 15 16 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 31 32 33

Farewell Cycling Campaign - Hello Darlovelo


Yes, I realise it's more than a year since anyone posted here. There are good reasons.

Firstly, due to a gradual reduction in active members, Darlington Cycling Campaign took the decision in 2012 to merge its activities with Darlovelo. The latter had recently been restructured by its members, with the aim of expanding its campaigning role, so it made sense to combine our efforts. Darlovelo's website is currently undergoing a number of updates that will reflect this change in the near future.

Secondly, all our contributors have over time become otherwise engaged. Richard & Beatrix are working in Bremen on cycling policy in Germany, Mike is a full-time family man, and Duncan is now working at Bikestop, leaving little time for any of us to provide a regular input.

Be that as it may, those of us who are members of Darlovelo will do our best to sustain this blog as the voice of cycling campaigning in Darlington by mirroring posts from the Darlovelo site. Meanwhile, if there are any other budding cycling campaigners who would like to get involved, please get in touch.
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